Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Birthdays & the Common Absorber

This is the season for birthdays. Lots of parties and presents flyin' around the past couple of weeks. You know I love birthdays. I love my birthday. I love friends and family birthdays. I love any excuse for people to celebrate their existence. I love cake and ice cream. I love crepe paper streamers. I love candles and balloons. I love finding the perfect present for someone who I really care about. . .especially when they aren't necessarily expecting it. I think that's what it's all about--not the present, but the genuine thought behind it. If I'm going to celebrate someone special in my life, I want them to know that I actually listen to what they say. I care about their interests, likes, dislikes, dreams, ambitions and fears. We all have people in our lives who are self involved. I don't think I would describe them as selfish or self-absorbed, but conversations with these individuals are usually one-sided. They might ask how you are, but they don't care enough to listen for an answer. The fact of the matter is that they usually know very little about you, but you know every stinkin' little thing about them. You know what their favorite restaurants are. You know what size shoe they wear. You know they prefer chocolate to vanilla. You've heard about every relationship they've ever suffered through. . .because, indirectly, you suffered through it right along with them. Now, I'm not saying this is an entirely bad thing. This is partly what friendship is all about. I've mentioned before that I'm a much better listener/absorber than I am talker. In general, I'd prefer to be the one absorbing the information, but every once in a while, it would be nice to have one of these self involved individuals ask my opinion or inquire about my life and really care enough to listen to and for an answer. It might even be nice if they listened enough throughout the year to know what I might like for my birthday. . .but I'm still making a list just in case. You can't be too careful about such things.


Anonymous said...

All I can say to this post is..... AMEN.

michelleyv said...

I knew you'd understand. We listeners have got to stick together.

Anonymous said...

Hummmm. Am I a listener? I say you are right on. I hope I am. I think you are right on. Good comment. You know maybe I will get a blog - I can express my feelings. Hummmmmm. I'll always listen to you!!!!!

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