Monday, June 18, 2007

A Few Things

1. I feel the prettiest at night right before I go to bed. I pull my hair up, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I don't think I look the prettiest, but if it has been a happy day, I feel pretty.

2. I think I need to laugh more. For some reason, in recent years, I've become selfish with my feelings of expression. A part of me seems to think that keeping my emotions in check makes me more dignified, grown-up, and "together." I think that part of me is dumb.

3. FHE tonight was fun. It was really fun. Just Kimmy, Crazy Eric, Crazy David, Crazy Michael, and me at the Riverside picnic table for a rousing game of "Don't Eat Pete."

4. Sometimes when I need a dose of reality, I go with Lori to drop of Luke at the BYU basketball camp. How is it that I love Lori and our lives are so different? Maybe we love eachother BECAUSE our lives are so different. Regardless, teenagers now officially scare the bageebers out of me.

5. I love having good hair again.
6. Sometimes when I have things at work I'd rather not be doing (like entering orders), I like to have a full days conversation with JCLoveless (like JCPenney) via e-mail.
7. My siblings are fun. They are my bestest friends.

8. I wore my new running skirt for the first time this morning and all the old men working in their gardens stared at my hot legs. I'm very popular in the Grandview neighborhoods.

9. FYI, I'm not superficial. . .even though I praise the resurrection of my flat iron.

10. People are important. . .let's make a difference today for people. . .even if it's just one people.

11. Thanks for reading my blog.

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