Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Name is Michelle V.

New week, new book. A while back, Miss Alicia was reading My Name is Asher Lev--I believe a recommendation from literary genius, Jared "I'm so stinkin' cute" W. I ran across the book while perusing the bookstore shelves a few weeks ago and decided it was time to see what all the fuss was about. Let me put it this way, I started the book this afternoon and I'm already 120+ pages into it. It's a fascinating story about a Hasidic Jewish boy who is a child prodigy. Mom, you are so going to get this book in the mail as soon as I'm finished. Youl will love it!

So, basically I've moved from the Battle of Gettysburg to a Brooklyn Jewish Community in the 1940s. For some reason, I've caught the reading bug and can't help myself. I'm reading in the car at stop lights. . .I hate people who do stupid things in their cars.


Mrs. James Quigley said...

I am so glad that you are reading "Asher Lev" It is such a good book. After reading it Jared and I talked about how he (Asher) is our favorite artisit. Funny since he is fictional-it is just that good. I too caught the bug again and read Twilight last week. Reading at stop lights is what I do best. All I think about is vampires....I start the 2nd book tomorrow. Yippee for reading!!!

Mrs. James Quigley said...

Have you heard of My dad is using it, I guess it catalogs your books...check it out.

michelleyv said...

I'm checking out that website right now. Give Bruce and the gang a big "hi."

By the way, Runner Sue. . .I am dying to talk to you. Be looking forward to call from me sometime today.

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