Friday, June 15, 2007

Party at the Harrisons

Kimmy and I spent an evening this week with one of our favorite families--The Harrisons of Springville way. They are darling. We were especially taken by Mr. Tayson--who is, quite possibly the sweetest thing ever. He really likes the Virtues. Honestly, who could blame him? Julie prepared a lovely dinner and we had a great time reminiscing about old times and looking forward to lots of goodness to come. Look how happy Tayson is! Who could ask for more--spending an evening in the laps of Kimmy & Mickey.
A special thanks to W. Julie, Jared and baby T. for a much needed evening of enj0yment. We had a splendid time and can't wait until our next visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell White Julie "hi" and what a darling baby - cute as a button.

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