Saturday, June 16, 2007

Peony Perfection

I don't buy flowers very often. It would be similar to a pastry chef stopping at Krispy for a doughnut on his/her way home from work. But, yesterday we had some peonies come in at a great price and I couldn't pass them up. They were honestly calling to me--"Michelle, take us home. Michelle, we would love to be sitting in your bedroom. Michelle, we will fit perfectly into the creamware pitcher you love. . .so a few shots from my bedroom. The peonies are like little balls of heaven. They honestly make me happier. There is something amazing about bringing fresh cut flowers into your home. I've decided to place a standing order for myself at the store. I don't want a manicured mixed vase. . .just a bunch of whatever is in season. . .whatever is going to make me smile. . .whatever will lighten and brighten my days. It's an indulgence and a new necessity. Is that possible?


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love peonies. Boy do I wish I could have fresh everyday. Well I will just have to look outside in the yard and have fresh.

Mrs. James Quigley said...

I love the pitcher! The flowers even make me happy....all the way up here at Jared's house.

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