Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ta DA Tuesday

Some of today's discoveries:

1. I've decided that I'm a complete sucker for anything that smells good. I stopped at Bath & Body Works tonight to pick some items up for a bridal shower and walked out of the store with a bucket load of yummy smelling potions for myself. As I see it, they're an investment in my future. What man can refuse Magnolia Bloosoms or Exotic Coconut?

2. Laura's sister-in-law, Heidi, posted a waffle recipe on her blog that I'm going to test out for tomorrow night's Waffle Wednesday. I feel pretty confident, as Heidi has some competative cooking experience. We'll test the recipe out on some expert waffle eaters and let you know how it goes.

Ryan's famous pumpkin chocolate chip waffles:

1 1/4 c. flour

2 T. sugar

2 t. baking powder

1/2 t. each cinnamon, ginger, salt

1/8 t. nutmeg dash of cloves

Whisk dry ingredients together and then fold in:

1 egg

6 T. canned pumpkin puree

2 T. melted butter

1 c. milk

1/4 c. mini chocolate chips

Cook in your waffle iron until tasty golden brown and douse in butter and maple syrup.

3. Sometimes it's nice to feel needed.

4. I love that my mom is deep into New Moon.

5. I spent almost 40 minutes on the phone today with a complete idiot. When the cell phone support guy tells you that you know more about the phone than he does, you have a problem.

6. My new Blueprint Magazine came in the mail today. . .a part of me can hardly contain my excitement, while the other part wants to wait until I'm sad, waiting at a doctor's office, or sitting in an airport so I can really dive into and experience the monthly periodical.

7. Paris is out of jail and I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole escapade. . .I don't think it matters.

8. I've been dreaming of a BYU rice crispy treat. I can't wait to be tall and thin so I can eat them for breakfast everyday. Oh, and don't forget the chocolate milk. Don't laugh. I've been praying and it could happen. FAITH PRECEDES THE MIRACLE. My days of Fiber One, blueberries, and skim milk will soon be a thing of the past.

9. My pink toenails are super summer sassy. Women everywhere should have painted toenails in the summer. I think I'm going to make it happen. Oprah is opening schools and educating young minds in 3rd world countries and Michelle is going to give them a spot of sparkle. POLISHED. . .that's the name of my new non-profit organization. You think I'm joking? I'm not. If anyone would like to donate nail polish, let me know.

10. What did we do before Costco? Let's see--we must not have had toilet paper, fresh tortillas, Crystal Light packets, cookies, blueberries or salmon. Oh, and we certainly didn't have cream puffs or quiche at bridal showers.

11. Poncho sent me the sweetest text message this morning. "you know that i live very close to the beach, right? you know why i will remember you often while i'm away? because your eyes are as blue as the pacific." Ladies and gentlemen. . .that is why I have a Latin lover.

12. It's official. I'm a geek. While I was stretching out yesterday morning, I look down to notice that I have one of my old running shoes on with one of my new. AND to top it off, I can't seem to drink any sort of beverage without a straw. I'm fluid intaking impaired.

13. I saw (or more appropriately HEARD) Jeremiah in the parking lot across from the WSC. He was straddling his motorcycle in a suit. It was strangely wonderful.

14. Whole wheat pasta is pretty damned good.

15. I no longer have any tolerance for tardiness.


Nurse Heidi said...

Ryan has other famous recipes for gingerbread waffles (wonderful with spicy ginger pear sauce and whip cream), apple carrot waffles, and even taco waffles. His creativity knows now bounds when he's unleashed with a waffle iron.

Anonymous said...

Commentary on #9. You know when I went on that "humanitarian aide" trip to Africa? You know what I brought with me? Yup, sparkly pink and sparkly silver nail polish. They seemed to love it more than they appreciated the food for their malnourished bodies!

Mrs. James Quigley said...

P.S. I just finished New Moon, liked Twilight better but it was good

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