Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Few Things

A Few Things From the Weekend:
1. Park City shopping makes Kimmy & I happy.
2. If you leave The Passat at Southfork Park and run down the canyon, you have to run back to Southfork Park to retrieve it.
3. No Reservations was a Virtue 2 thumbs-up.
4. Pool time sometimes equals naptime.
5. It's taking a bit for me to get into my new book. . .I'm really trying.
6. 2 weeks from race day!
7. No more text messaging. . .it's getting out of hand.
8. Guys should never tell girls they "watch a lot of television." It is not attractive.
9. There is such a thing as "too much information."
10. I'm learning things about camels.
11. I am lusting after a new camera lens. . .thanks a lot, owner of XTravaganza's brother!
12. Krista--I'm almost done with your birthday present. I worked on it today before the power fiasco.
13. I need some new tunes. . .any recommendations.
14. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about my friend Alicia. . .she is EASY!


Mrs. James Quigley said...

I just adore you, but really no texting!? I just picked up a new series of books over the weekend. They are Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's point of view I will let you know if I like them and if there are any pages to rip out! Did I happen to mention that I am coming to your town in one month!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I am fascinated by your needing electrical power to work on my present....hmmmm! Two suggestions of new tunes... "The Story" by Brandi Carlile and "Last Request" by Paolo Nutini. Oh, and P.S., I'm kicking my "brown boy" to the curb. Blasted men.... Let's talk soon. Please.

Rachel Durazzani said...

Me again - I promise I won't get annoying but I wondered if you are running the Provo River 1/2 Marathon...I am too! Maybe I'll see you there.

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