Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Basics

After a harrowing Sunday of speaking in sacrament meeting, facing some new home teachers, and the dreaded realization that a new week was quickly approaching, I had a hankering to bake fresh french bread. Why? you might ask. Well, I happen to have inherited my Annette's recipe for the carb-filled delight and it's now my current favorite baking item. It's easy, looks amazing, and makes my mouth do a dance. One little glitch--just as the first loaf was being pulled from the oven (our house smells heavenly), the power went out. Yes, we were without power for about 5 hours this afternoon. You forget how much you rely on that little thing called electricity. No music, no baking, no A/C, no old movies, no computer, no flat iron, no laundry (not that I do that on Sunday). . . NO PROBLEM. It was still a perfectly lovely afternoon.

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