Friday, July 6, 2007

Thai Village Visit

I know what you're thinking. First, you're thinking that this is a creepy picture. . .a really poor representation of my face. Next, you're wondering why I'd post such a ghoulish photo on my blog. The truth is that I'm not sure why I'd do such a thing. Maybe I just want to keep thing real. Maybe this was the only photo that could properly illustrate my feelings about my first Thai Village experience. I ordered the sweet & sour noodles (not pictured) and couldn't get past the first bite. I have a tendency to get really weird about what I eat the night before a race. . .the thought of reliving dinner from the previous evening at mile 8 makes me quiver. In no way should this deter anyone from visiting this fine establishment. In fact, Eric gobbled my noodles right up and Kimmy loves their food. So, another day, I'll give Thai Village another chance. For now, I'm content with the frozen yogurt we procured afterwards from my friends at Costco. . .maybe I should have taken a picture of that. I can guarantee my face would have looked semi-normal

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