Saturday, June 30, 2007

Today's Run

So today was our 10 miler. We decided to run from Vivian Park back home--knowing that it was just over 10 miles. Megan and I left at about 5:30. I was so tired when we left that I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out, but they managed to stay intact for the duration of the run. I felt good for the 10 miles, but I'm feeling it today. In fact, I'm scared to go to bed tonight for fear that I won't be able to move in the morning. The temperature was perfect and we saw some running friends along the way. Mark & Jeff were looking in top form as they were running up the canyon just as we hit mile 4. Their dedication is quite inspiring. Then, as if a vision, at about mile 8, I saw Aaron (of Llama & Whooping Cough Fame) coming toward me on University Ave. Suddenly my legs had new vigor and I was good to make it the last little bit. He did 8 miles yesterday. . .amazing!

So, today I'm thankful for Asics, moderate morning temperatures, fluids, running friends, and Icy Hot.

1 comment:

ap said...

oh man asics are the only way to go. glad you see eye to eye with me on this, or foot to foot.

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