Thursday, August 2, 2007

Good Morning, Michelle!

I just want the receptionist girl at the gym --just once to say "good morning" or even smile at me when I walk through her doors. Is that too much to ask? I know it's early. I know I don't look cute. I know she probably hates her job, but can't she just pretend to be glad I got my butt out of bed to grace her with my spandex clad self? It seems a reasonable request.


Anonymous said...

You know that is probably too much for her - I always remember the little man that is the Wal mart greeter - what a guy - always willing to say hi to me and saying a few things to chat about. I remember that when there is a grumble from some cashier etc.

Eric said...

I remember when laura was that rude little girl. I don't think she ever said good morning to me either, but I was always still asleep when she left. I was just glad to have some extra room in the bed. I'm sure her husband/boyfriend/girlfriend would tell you good morning for getting her out of bed.

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