Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hobble Creek Half

I did it. I ran the Hobble Creek Half Marathon this morning. I suppose I haven't advertised my participation in this race as much as I often do. Perhaps that can be attributed to the overall uncertaintly with which I approached this little run. It was just a fluke that I was even able to get a bib. . .as a girl in our RS couldn't make the race. Secondly, I haven't done a lot of running since the Provo 1/2 two weeks ago. Finally, I was racing alone. Now, I've run races alone before, but usually I have a friend to meet or people at the finish line---not this time. Needless to say, the fear and trepidation kept me from mentally commiting to the race right up until the bus pulled out of the dark parking lot of the Mapleton City Center. I had about 30 minutes to pray about the run. . .for the stamina to finish and the strength to do it upright with the least amount of chaffing. Let me tell you this--prayers are answered. Despite a very late start (we were waiting for 2 buses), the run was great. I met a first-time runner, Megan (not of the Summer of Fitness fame), on the bus and we visited. She was so cute and so nervous. Just visiting with her and reassuring her that she could do it made my own anxiety disappear (another answered prayer). The fact that I jumped in the potty line at the top of the canyon and actually made it to the makeshift facility long before the race began was another bonus. I cut over 10 minutes off my time from the Provo race and felt better about my performance. My favorite part was parking my sore bottom on the curb and watching Megan finish her first 1/2 marathon. The getting up from the curb wasn't as enjoyable. I suppose the 13 miles is semi-impressive and all, but there is something more inspiring about recognizing the spirit of someone who sets out to do something really difficult and succeeds. That, my friends, is why I run. . . because it's hard, it hurts, and it pushes me to be better. Isn't that what life is all about?

Does anyone else find it ironic that I ran the HOBBLE CREEK half and now I'm HOBBLING with a CREEKy body?


Mrs. James Quigley said...

P.S. 13 miles is VERY impressive and for the record you this month you completed your first marathon!!! You are awesome! Once again, I wish I was you. See you next week. If your bum is still sore I'll rub it for you (jared will tell you that I am very good at that sort of thing). Love ya!

michelleyv said...

Can't wait to see your darling self. I'm going to call Jared tomorrow for a bum rubbing reference! Do you think he'd give me a bum rub?

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have been there!!!!

Rachel Durazzani said...

I have been meaning to comment FOREVER on your Provo Marathon post. I am SO IMPRESSED that you ran another one! Wow! I wish I had done it - then maybe we could have seen each other again. Way to go and keep it up! When's the next one?

Anonymous said...

good for you! guess what? i'll be in utah second week/third weekend of oct! miss ya!

michelleyv said...

Can't wait for a Brian visit. I'm already making your dinner plans.

Anonymous said...

Michelle- I know you are tired of me telling our RS that you are amazing... but you really are, and I know the people that read the blog know that you are too. Anyway- thanks for being such an inspiration. I'm glad this one went better then Provo- life is all about improvement... and good running days are definitely a plus!!

michelleyv said...

Thanks for all of the kind words and encouragement. I have the best friends! You are all much too kind. The thing is that I don't really run for anything noble. I just want a legitimate excuse to show off my hot legs.

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