Saturday, August 4, 2007

Running. Living.

This morning was my last canyon run before the race next weekend. I'm going to take it easy this week. In fact, I'm in semi-quarantine--hoping to avoid any accidents, blisters, intestinal diseases, or spores. For my final long rung, I started at South Fork Park, ran down to Bridal Veil, did the switchback and then ran back to my car. It is a beautiful summer day and I decided to just enjoy myself. No timeline, no bridal shower to attend, no distractions.

Every weekend brings a very similar crowd of outdoor enthusiasts (some a bit on the crazy side). Over the past few months, the faces on the trail have become familiar. There's the pair of mid-agers with Lassie, a peppy lady with big earphones, the guy who works down the hall from me, and two die-hard Loveless runners. Usually we just exchange "heys" and head on our way, but today it was fun to run a mile or so with Mark & Jeff on the trail. Let's face it, a great deal of my running motivaton comes from them. I think watching the Salt Lake Marathon for the first time and seeing Mark cross the finish line was when my desire to run more than 3 miles surfaced. They always ask about my training and the last few months, seeing them on the trail has given us a much needed boost to get through the remainder of the run. So, today I felt like a little girl (a slow one at that) running betwen these two powerful runners and it humbled me. Needless to say, their running abilities are well above mine and I knew they were just trotting along at my slow pace to be nice (and I appreciated it). But at the Bridal Veil switchback, I let them loose. It was the most amazing thing. I couldn't believe the power and speed with which they attacked the incline. It was inspiring.

Can you order running bodyguards on eBay? I am definitely going to look into it. Wait--stop the train--I already have 2 awesome running guards--Megan and Jerilyn! Ladies--I'll see you on race day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah but it helps if your bodyguard is actually able to run along your side...that pretty much counts me out for the bodyguard position! sorry I'm too slow! Can't keep up with virtue speed.

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