Sunday, September 2, 2007

Craig Resigns

Politics are not generally a topic on my blog. I try to avoid the pitfalls that inevitably accompany the contentious world of politics. But today I'm making an exception--an exception without soliciting commentary--an exception based upon principle.

In high school, I participated in a Citizens of the Constitution Program. As part of our study, we were invited to spend a week in D.C. competing and presenting our knowledge of the nation's Constitution. It was a great experience--one that helped instill a respect for our nation's history and moral foundation. As the representative team from the Great State of Idaho, we spent some time in the office of Senator Larry Craig. He spent a few token moments visiting with each of us--heralding the greatness of our state and congratulating each of us on our commitment to understanding the democratic process. I remember being impressed by the Senator's obvious love for our country and his dedication to public service. A few weeks after we returned to Idaho, our government teacher presented each of us with a photograph we had taken with Senator Craig. I remember thinking it was pretty cool.

As someone who feels strongly about voting, understanding the democratic process, and defending the principles of the U.S. Constitution that I studied so diligently all those years ago--I must admit that I'm disappointed in the behavior of my once esteemed representative. I'm not in a position to judge him, but I am in a position (as a former constituant) to appreciate his nearly 20 years of service. I'm also in a position to recognize that bad decisions ultimately have equally destructive consequences.


Eric said...

I figure that we'll all mess up eventually. It's just a matter of time.

michelleyv said...

Speak for yourself.

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