Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Vawdrey Adventure

Let me preface this post by saying this--Vawdrey men are undoubtedly brilliant. Brilliant in the sense that they marry amazing women. Of course Laura is quite wonderful--as I helped train her myself, but there are others. . .including Alicia (wife of Vawdrey #3 and mother to Sarah Bear). I just discovered Alicia's blog. She and Dave recently moved to New York City with Sarah (who is darling, precocious, and funny) and the yet unborn baby boy Vawdrey. It's quite an exciting prospect--one I have wondered about and been intrigued by the past few months. They packed up their belongings and moved across the country with a toddler and a baby on the way. After just a few weeks, Alicia broke her arm. You know that song "one-eyed, one-eared, one Purple People Eater?" It keeps running through my head--only I like to replace it with "one-eyed, one armed, one Purple People Eater." Let's face it--I need to get out more. Anyway, I'm always asking Laura how things are going with the NY Vawdreys. I suppose I can now quit pumping her for information, as I just found Alicia's blog. Blessed day!

A big Utah shout out to the NY Vawdrey faction. We're excited to hear about all of your Manhattan adventures.

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