Monday, June 25, 2007

A Few Things

1. I just won a game for the Game Boy (still unopened) on eBay. Now that's going to be a productive use of my time. Actually, I justified the silly purchase by reminding myself that I will be travelling a great deal over the next couple of months and sometimes you just need a no-brainer activity to pass the time.

2. Today I stopped by the dollar store to pick up some holiday colored napkins and noticed a pregnancy test at the check-out line. Who in the stink buys a pregnancy test from the dollar store? Honestly.

3. Knocked 4 minutes off our running route this morning. Kicking butt.

4. Don't Eat Pete Repeat.

5. We are exactly 6 months from Christmas. . .how is that possible?

6. Sometimes when I feel old, I remember all the great people who are older than me and it makes me smile.

7. I had forgotten how much I love Shredded Wheat. Thanks for sharing, Kimmy. . .oh, and for the hot new hair. Love it.


Anonymous said...

EXACTLY where will you be traveling? besides your trip in July for your big show. Just curious.

Nurse Heidi said...

Oh, Michelle, you are obviously not a married woman. Dollar store pregnancy tests are the best thing since sliced bread for all of us neurotic types that freak out when we're a day late. Plus they are actually MORE sensitive than many of the more expensive brands and can detect a pregnancy sooner. I have 2 1/2 fine children who had their presence confirmed by $$ store tests. I got the hospital to do a freebie for my first one.

Anonymous said...

Where is a picture of the hot new hair?

Eric said...

Please tell Mary Lu that we are SKIPPING Christmas in order to spend all of that money on a trip to Hawaii. There is no other option.

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