Sunday, June 10, 2007

Takin' it to the next step.

Just a few things:

1. I had a great run yesterday. 1 hour 20 minutes and I didn't want to die. That's a good sign. Granted, I felt like I was running at a snails pace, but I'm starting to like the slimy little creatures.

2. Our hairy backed neighbor keeps showing up on the picnic table without a shirt. It makes me grateful to be single.

3. I think I'm ready to take the next step with Poncho. He doesn't know it yet, but he's in for the greatest day of his life. Yep--Season 2 of 24. What did you think I was talking about?

4. One of my summer goals is to read a diverse selection of books. Right now I'm in the middle of a great book about the Battle of Gettysburg and it's quite enjoyable. It's a Pulitzer Price winning novel called The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. You should try it. . .you'll like it.

5. I realized today that our neighbor (not the hairy one) has the most amazing arms in the history of appendages. I might have grabbed on to his bicep while we were walking to RS and thought I'd gone to heaven. . .too bad he is lacking in personality. Otherwise, with my beauty and his brawn--we'd make amazing babies.

6. Someone keeps knocking on our door at all hours of the night. We don't answer the door anymore--not for fear that it will be some scary psychopath--but for fear it will be some goofy guy who wants to "hang out" for hours at a time. I refuse to fall victim to time thievery.

7. I have to get up super early tomorrow. What in the heck am I doing up so late? Gotta hit the hay! Happy days to you.

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