Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Way We Were

Remember how my last car was named Redford? Remember how KWag & I skipped class to hear him speak in the De Jong concert hall when we were freshman? I'm not exactly sure where my facination with Robert Redford began, but I'm quite certain it stemmed from a few late night viewings of The Way We Were. I love that movie. I love Robert rowing. I love his hair and his uniform. I love that Barbra has her hair ironed. I love that their relationship isn't perfect, nor does it end happily ever after. I love that they live on the beach. There is something unfair about portraying a relationship like that on film. I'm never going to be happy with a husband who comes home from work asking me how my day was and what's for dinner. No, I want to be sitting on my deck wrapped in a terry cloth robe overlooking the beach to see Robert running through sand. I want him on my couch with a v-neck sweater and a pair of jeans telling me how beautiful I am. Yes, I am officially ruined. At any rate, Kimmy and I watched the movie again this afternoon and it renewed my faith in MANkind & sappy romance.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that blessed day in the De could I ever forget that moment? That was worth skipping class, even though I think it may have only been one of Michael Phillip's pompous lectures that we missed! You've inspired me to rent "The Way We Were" this weekend. I have yet to see that movie, but cold definitely use some renewed man-faith in my life! Sorry for this unncessarily lengthy comment....

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing this movie for the first time at the old Roxy theater in Blackfoot. I fell in love with Robert Redford - maybe it was the uniform and her loving him so much. It really is one of my all time favorite movies. But I put my own ending because the end sucks (I hate that word). But the end really does suck. In my mind I know they get back together.

Anonymous said...

The night of my Senior Prom there were a bunch of us who didn't have dates, so we went to The Way We Were, and The Great Gatsby. It was better than going to the Prom. Robert was so much better looking than anyone I went to High School with. I think I will rent it this weekend too!

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