Tuesday, July 17, 2007

People are Precious

A dear friend reminded me today that life is precious. People are precious. Relationships are precious. And, as much as I'd like to take The Passat and my bedding with me to heaven (assuming that by some miracle I make it there), the goodness in my life comes from the precious spirits around me--not my things. A bit of reality. A much needed piece of perspective.

1 comment:

Sarah Palfreyman said...

Amen! With our new little arrival, this fact has really hit home. Thanks for the comment on our blog. I hope all is well for you and Kim. By the way, you don't have to worry about making it to heaven . . . you're a shoe-in. However, you may have to leave the Passat and bedding at the door. Thanks for the advice about Blurb. Sarah is going to use it to put together a photo album of my mom's quilts. You'll have to check out Sarah's photo blog at sarahpalfreyman.blogspot.com. Take care and thanks again for the post.

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