Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Supersonic Spasm

For some reason, I get these sudden and strange bursts of energy that make me feel like I can do anything and everything in a short period of time. If you can imagine, it's like me on speed (which, for the record, I'm not using. . .those blog patrol people in cyberspace looking for common drug users can relax). For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out where it comes from. It's difficult to determine from whence the motivation is spurred. It is sleep or food related? Are the stars aligned? Maybe it's hormones (women blame everything on that one)? Regardless, I had a Supersonic Spasm (that's what I call them) Day and I actually finished everything on my list of "things I don't want to do, but really should." It's a miracle. The heavens have opened and goodness is shining on my perfectly color weaved head. There's only one downfall to such productivity--it's difficult, if not impossible, to maintain. My list for today is not short. In fact, after being away from the office for the past 10 days, the list is considerable. I'm hoping for a Supersonic Spasm Tailwind.


Anonymous said...

Now this picture says it all - you peeking over the top. CUTE.

Anonymous said...

If mom knew that we were reenacting the Blair Witch Project she wouldn't think it was so cute.

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