Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Taken for Granted

I loved this photo on AE's site!Over the last few days, I've come to realize that I continually take things for granted. In an effort to pay homage to their goodness, let me publicly recognize their importance in making my life happy. Keep in mind that this is not an all inclusive list--so, if you are not mentioned in this brief list, I either don't take you for granted (which is a good thing. . .not likely, but good) or I want to surprise you with a personal note of thanks and a gift via the USPostal Service. Be watching for that gift-

Things I take for granted on a regular basis:

1. My sweet little calloused feet.

2. Good friends--near and far. That includes those who might live in Nevada, smell like skunk, and make fun of my blog. Yes, I even love them.

3. Greg Kinnear.

4. iTunes.

5. Parents who really care about who I am, where I go, and who I'm becoming.

6. Skilled friends who offer their expertise and experience willingly. . .regardless of the hour.

7. A brother who makes me laugh so hard I nearly pee my pants.

8. The Passat. . .I'm missing her while she is on holiday (aka The Dealership).

9. Fresh air.

10. Eternal perspective and guidance.

11. Toothpaste.

12. Sisters who help me be better. . .and look better.

13. Hope.

14. Flowers. . .everyday.

15. Cafe Rio
16. Senses (not to be confused with sense).
17. Compassion.
18. Mike Rowe.
19. French toast.
20. My potential.


Eric said...

I'm assuming that by 'french toast' you meant me, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that by urine you meant me, thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for you - HOW ARE YOUR FEET?

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