Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Breakiners BEWARE

I'm sure you're all still in awe of my brilliant storytelling abilities after my melon fiasco, but here's another one for you. Last night I fell asleep reading in my bed. Of course, I had only changed into half of my pajamas, teeth unbrushed, and my hair in a general state of disarray. At around 10:15 (pathetic, I know, but I had tennis early this morning so quit judging me), there was a knock at the door. I did not answer. Then the doorbell rang. I still refused to succumb to the slumber stealer. The second doorbell ring really urked me, but it was about that time the door opened and the intruders entered (don't freak out, mom). I walk out into the living room and these two girls are semi-hanging out in our living room. Kimmy was gone and I just gave them the look of death. One of them used to be in our ward and the other was apparently looking for a place to live. They thought our apartment would be the perfect showroom. HONESTLY! Who does that? Who breaks into someone's house (that they barely know) to show their friend around? Needless to say, I was less than hospitable and quickly frightened them out of my house. Eric suggested that I should have just started screaming profanities. . .next time!Lesson Learned: Lock & Bolt the door at all times! Lesson Learned: Sleeping nude is dangerous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay - you better call me about this one. Why did I have to read about it on the blog!!!!!!!! I can't believe some people are so brazen (sp). I think I would have called the cops!!!!!!

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