Sunday, August 12, 2007

H.T. & The Big City

Last Thursday night I hosted our RS Enrichment at the CCF for a special floral design class. It was bundles of fun. . .despite the zany instructor. The sisters in our ward are really sweet, and, I might add--talented. We had over 30 people in attendance and I think everyone had a good time. Today, when I went to sit in my usual Sunday spot, there was an obvious void in the room. Miss H.T. (pictured above) left for Chicago yesterday and I miss her tiny little self. She was the best VT partner I've ever had--she's smart, sassy, and downright hilarious. The good news is that next summer when I'm in Chicago, we're going to meet up for a hot time in the big city. Can't wait! She promised to introduce me to Oprah. Now that's what friends are for.

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