Saturday, August 11, 2007

Run for your LIFE

I know you're all dying to hear how the big race was. Here's the deal--I ran a race and lived to tell about it. And, quite honestly, that's another modern day miracle to be grateful for.

After an early morning, a nearly vomit induced bus ride, and a long (and I might add cold) wait in a potty line, our 13 mile adventure began. It was a great run. The best part is that aside from having a sore foot, I feel awesome! In fact, I'm going running Monday morning. . .so much better than last year. Granted, I ran a bit slower than last year, but sometimes it's more important to finish the race with all of your body parts intact than to kill yourself for times sake.

Special thanks to Laura, Poncho, Jeff, and Melissa for greeting me at the finish line. A muchos gracias to Kimmy for her thoughtful care. Eric--your Diet Dr. Pepper gift was just what I needed.
Last, but not least, great kudos to my fellow runners--Megan & Jerilyn. You running diva's did awesome. I'm so proud of you both. Why didn't we get pictures together? What were we thinking? Maybe we'll have to sport our new t-shirts sometime this week. . .just to record this momentous event for posterity. Yes, yes, I think that's a plendid idea.

Can't wait for next year! Everyone--lace up your running shoes, get your buns out of bed, and let's get going. We've got a year to train. That's plenty of time for ANYONE. I promise you won't regret it--not for one minute (okay--maybe for one minute, but the pain and anguish disappear pretty quickly).


Calli said...

My little inspiration...yes, you. I am so proud of you. You looked awesome and in such great shape. I'm going to print a pic of you and tape it to my treadmill for inspiration. Kind of like my pic of Jennifer Aniston on my fridge, only better.

Calli said...

My little inspiration...yes, you. I am so proud of you. You looked awesome and in such great shape. I'm going to print a pic of you and tape it to my treadmill for inspiration. Kind of like my pic of Jennifer Aniston on my fridge, only better.

Mrs. James Quigley said...

You are awesome! And you looked GOOD! Maybe I will have to do it with you next year...was there walkers???? I wish I was you.

michelleyv said...

Cal--you are much too kind. I'm quite confident that if the dreaded gom-boo hadn't attacked your little self that you would have been right there runnin' with me. Thanks for the much needed inspiration and encouragement over the last few month, deary. Jennifer Aniston aint got nothin' on you!

michelleyv said...

Alicia--I'm going to plan on running with you next year. I think I've completely scared Megan & Jerilyn out of running in 2008. You would be the perfect replacement. Heavens, we could talk the whole way and wouldn't even think twice about the 13 miles.

Considering my aches at this moment, I wish I was YOU!

Rachel Durazzani said...

I know this is late but YAHOO! So glad I got to see you. It was some much needed motivation on the switchback. And so impressed you ran another two weeks later!!!

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