Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A scout is loyal, trustworthy. . . .

So Laura and I were on the search Saturday for our white elephant gifts to take to the McNeel
Family Christmas Party. We rummaged through every room in the house looking for assorted treasures and came across this tattered log bear in Ryan's bedroom. It's suppose to look like a "CUB Scout" with his bright eyes and little blue bandana. So Ryan agreed to it's white elephant worthiness, but when we showed the glorious find to mom--she was shocked that we would even consider purging the house of the little cub. Apparently, it has sentimental value as Ryan's cubscout leader made it for him--give me a break! Mom quickly explained that she felt she had earned the right to keep the bear. . .as my brother is an eagle scout because of her. Personally, I think this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'm a thrower and get rid of "unnecessaries", but mom has the luxury of a house that allows her to store just about anything she wants. In keeping with the spirit of Christmas and hoping to repair any hard feelings, (as mom is one great Santa) Eric and Laura wrapped little cub bear up and gave it to her on Christmas Eve. Ryan looks pretty excited, don't you think? I would be excited too if I knew that thing was leaving my room. Poor dad will now have the silly thing staring at him every night. CREEPY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me just say this - you will thank the mother of these children some day and will appreciate her good taste in BEARS

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