Wednesday, December 28, 2005

VW Transmission Fluid Transfusion

I love my car! It has spunk, style, and practicality. My favorite feature (besides the heated seats and airconditioned glove compartment) is that I look HOT driving it. Being the responsible car owner that I am, I attempted to take the VW in to get an oil change to a semi-reputable establishment in Provo. After waiting 1 hour and 45 minutes, they informed me that they do not carry the type of oil filter my car requires. Now, I maintained my composure with the young man representing the company, but inside I wanted to explode. It took me a couple of days to work past my anger, but I ultimately decided that since I'd be driving to Blackfoot for Christmas anyway--that I'd just ask dear dad for a quick oil change for the blessed holiday. He's really great with such things and I knew if I gave him my sweetest eyes that he'd jump at the chance. Now, I'm not mentioning any names, but things went a little haywire! I've suspected for months that my car is more complicated than most. . .much like its owner. You know on Lady and the Tramp how they show all of the dogs that resemble their owners? Well, this is a very similar situation. My car isn't always easy to read, has a mind and body of its own, refuses to be pushed around, but deep down I know it's tender, loyal, reliable, sturdy, and just plain wonderful. Let me say this---I take such good care of my car that I now have the transmission fluid (which is guaranteed to last the life of the car) changed every 3,000 miles! Poor VW had to be towed to the dealership in Idaho Falls for the fluid replacement on Monday. Sad to report that I still haven't had the oil changed.

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