Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Go Away Grumpies

Photo courtesy of Lori!
I stopped at the grocery store tonight to get some milk and bananas (for the monkey). When it was time to go through the check-out, I noticed my favorite cashier. She has this beautiful white hair and looks like the granny everyone dreams of. Everytime I go into the Macey's early in the morning, she is at the first full-service cash register and absolutely beams with the disposition we all wished we had, but can't manage to pull out of our synical selves. I'm so glad she is helping me. . .as her attitude is contagious. A little girl with her mother closely behind approaches the cashier from behind. My sweet granny gives the little girl (who looks to be around 6) a big hug and tells her what a "treat" it is to see her. You can see from the little girl's glow that her visit to the Macey's has absolutely made her day. Now, here comes the ugly part of the story. While I'm standing there soaking in the joy of my friend and her little guest, the woman behind me is looking more and more irritated. She has a basket of 2-liter Diet Cokes on the belt and I can tell she has probably already overdosed on the caffeine and is a hurry. I suspect that she is going home to her empty house to watch CSI: Special Victims Unit and chug some Diet Coke with her pit bull. SHE IS NOW FURIOUS and stomps off to the express line (where she should have started) and is obviously angry with my sweet granny cashier. Honestly, what happened to enjoying life? What happened to sacrificing a TINY bit of time so a little girl could have a sucker and a hug from someone whom she obviously adores? Why can't we all slow down just enough to bring joy to those around us? To all Grumpies out there--GO AWAY! Your grumpiness is just as contagious as my grocery granny's joy and I'm sick of it. Do something nice for someone today. . . happy people need to take a stand.


Anonymous said...

You know you are right MICKEY. The other day I had the grumpies and I had to deliver to Nonpariel. I was going to a different place I had never been before and a lady came out of the security shed (small, cold little shack of a place) and with a big smile asked me if I needed some help. She made my day. She asked how I was and I said - uh. She said she hoped I had a better day. I saw her again the next week and wow - same good friendly face. I think I need to do something for her.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that grumpies stink! When grumpy people come to the gym, I GET GRUMPY! There is this older couple that come in everyday and she is just so cute. She has her church book and she's ready to workout. I always ask how their weekend was and they tell me that they went to their grandson's basketball game or they went somewhere warm like Arizona and I get jealous. SO CUTE... just want to eat them up...not literally.

Anonymous said...

I would like to share my grumpy story too. This boy comes in to get a cut. He sits in my chair and explains how he would like hair cut. So far so good. Then he turns on me like a rabid dog (or squirrel). He looks at me at says grumpily. NO Conversation!! I thought "Fine, I didn't want to talk to you anyway!" Then my little 4 year old Jack Frost came in and made Kimmy's day! I want to eat him up! (not literally Laura).

Anonymous said...

Also I'm the monkey for which Mickey was buying the bananas and my name is Co Co the monkey!!!

Anonymous said...

It's about time co-co the monkey got back in the groove. We have missed your cute little monkey noises. Keep smiling!!!

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