Monday, January 30, 2006

Loveless #2 Turns 29

Yesterday was Loveless #2's (a.k.a. Ryan's) birthday. Yep, he's 29! Looks pretty darn good for a gentleman knocking on 30s door, doesn't he? Ryan is one of our favorites. Somehow, he's always happy. . .how does he do that? It must be that Tooele blood. We especially love it when Loveless 1,2,&3 get together. It's non-stop laughs, with Ryan as the comedic ringleader. Notice the grin. . .yep, it's the new golf clubs that bring such light to his ever-glowing countenance. What a great wife he has! Smart man, that's for sure.We had dinner at Magelby's and Miss Sarah along with Seth and Easton provided unlimited entertainment. Please note that Sarah is wearing a leopard print skirt. What a fashion diva. . .must take after her favorite Aunt Calli. Sarah definitely has red hair. She would make a great addition to the Virtue clan. . .so cute.
Kimmy and I are huge Loveless #2 fans and are hoping that Ryan will sign an 8x10 glossy that we can hang in the GV 15.
Jeff & Kimmy.
Easton. . .loves his little bald head and ICE CREAM, but wasn't so fond of his marinara sauce.
Seth. . .yum, apple beer.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh there is a baby diva? Actually I saw a toddler diva once. She had hooker boots dangling earings and a diva's swagger! I thougt she was four no, she was two.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh there is a baby diva? Actually I saw a toddler diva once. She had hooker boots dangling earings and a diva's swagger! I thougt she was four no, she was two.

michelleyv said...

Hey--when are we going to get some Loveless comments. Bring them on, friends. They will undoubtedly be full of charm, humor, and that famous Loveless whit.

Anonymous said...

Here comes the Loveless comments...It seems as though my sister Jolea has produced some mighty fine looking children of which I must accredit to much of the Hassman gene pool. While Seth and Sarah do have some lovlely and dominant Beatty traits, Sarah's niche for style and sass and Seth's endearing grin are definitly Hassman. Easton is pure Hassman, head to toe, including his natural athletic ability...So what does all this have to do with the Loveless clan? Well let's just say that a Mr. Ryan Loveless has some fierce competition when it comes to one-upping his wife's gene pool in the future...

Anonymous said...

I always miss the good birthday dinners.

michelleyv said...

Lady Loveless & Mark? Now we're talking!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry to say michelley that with those latest pics I think kimmy is winning the "be like SJP" race... that outfit seemed like a real-winner...

michelleyv said...

sjp judge extraordinaire, I think you're right (you're always right). Kimmy is really taking this seriously and always looks awfully SJP sheek.

Anonymous said...

I haven't quite caught the vision - what is SJP? Michelle's hair cut and style is quite cute!!!! along with the cute Kimmie outfit!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

You just can't beat those Loveless women! They are diva through and through!! Even though Sarah is not a Loveless she looked so diva in that skirt. I'm thinking of expanding my wardrobe to include animal prints. It would be soo SJP! Hey thanks Meliss! Love ya!

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