Thursday, January 26, 2006

More Park City Picts

Here are a few more pictures from the Sundance escapade. Let's have a little contest. . .anyone who can post the most correct names of the elite group. . .dinner on me (with me--of course).


Veronica said...

DB Sweeney
John Paul DeJoria, wife Eloise, Shelly Unga
Eric Benet?
Lance Bass
Josh Hartnett
Robert Downey, Jr.

Anonymous said...

Does it smell like up dog in here?

Anonymous said...

OK Veronica, what the heck are you doing up at 2:49 a.m.? Like the rest of us even had a chance. Girl - SLEEP!

Anonymous said...

Unfair Mickey!! Veronica nevers sleeps!! Didn't you know that, or did you just want to go to dinner with her!

Anonymous said...

That sucks. I totally would have won this contest but I was transfixed on DB Sweeney. Seriously, what a freaking heartthrob. If I could get a piece of that... And I love the fact that Veronica was up at 2:30 in the morning and thought to yourself, self, what the hell, I'll check out Michelle's blog.

jacob said...

I recognize Lance Bass and Josh Harnett anywhwere - super dreamy!!

Veronica said...

Hey hey hey...Michelle posted this at 7:12 pm, so you all could have had about five hours on me. Let this be a lesson: that whole "early to bed, early to rise" thing is a crock.

Plus, I'd like to see any of you pick Shelly Unga out of a crowd.

Anonymous said...

This is all I gotta say - I don't know any of these stupid people - I should get to go to LUNCH for not knowing anyone. What about that? Not only that, I didn't even have to get up at some unearthly hour to find out I didn't know any of these people. I thought they were all old roommates of Michelle's or her roommate's husbands. What do I know. Come on you people get a life - come to Blackfoot and meet the MAYOR.

Anonymous said...

Lula is like obsessed with the Blackfoot mayor. She posts him in every post...I wonder why?

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