Thursday, January 19, 2006

So I skipped institute last night and went to the BYU men's basketball game. Yep, you caught me, I'm already slacking in at least one of my New Year's resolutions. While I was there, I realized two things--First, I really like to watch basketball. It's fast moving, action packed, and full of drama. Secondly, I realized that couldn't ever be married to a coach! Both b-ball games I've attended this season were especially entertaining because the opposing teams coaches were absolutely ridiculous. Steve McClain is the coach for the Cowboys. Let me just say that the man spent more time on the playing floor than most of his athletes. He was wildly dramatic and quite a misfit. It was noted that he couldn't keep his sports jacket on for more than 2 minutes (we timed it at one point at 1:20) and needs some serious dental work. When I asked Jeff if he thought his players were ever embarrassed by their coach, I was surprised when he quickly answered "nope" and explained that he was their advocate. They were grateful for his constant appeals to the referees, his vigilance, screaming, and overall boisterousness. I was just grateful he isn't the BYU coach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this the picture of the coach?
Maybe he needs wranglers and sneakers

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