Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Michelle's TIPS

  • Valentine's day is quickly approaching and I was reminded last night of my WORST date. His name was Joel. He was in our ward during the Red Mansion era. We stopped at the Pizza Hut next to the Riviera (the kind where they only do take-out) and Joel ate a box of breadsticks in the car while I sat and watched the disgusting display. Then we stopped at his friends house so he could show me his supply of hacky-sacks that he had shipped in from Guatamala (where he served his mission). The night continued in such a fashion and I was never so glad to be dropped off at my doorstep in my entire life. Story number two (I'll tie these together, I promise): A few years back I had a crush of sorts on Elliot Bagley (name unchanged). Now, this relationship was doomed from the beginning because Elliot (as well as Michael Torrie--who some of you might know) was one of our home teachers. Anyway, Michael and Elliot would come over for the occassional visit and through the course of our time together, Elliot would give Michael "tips." These tips generally had to do with Michael's relationships with girls. For example, Elliot might remind Michael not to tell girls that they look tired. In memory of my worst date ever and the Michael and Elliot years, I'd like to offer my own set of "tips" with the hopes that I can help humankind avoid the "worst date" scenario.Girls like compliments.
  • Girls like guys who care if they make it home at night.
  • Girls like notes, cards, and voice mail messages (don't hang up!).
  • Girls like guys who smell good.
  • Girls like it when guys PLAN a date.
  • Girls like guys who take their trash out.
  • Girls like guys who guide them into a room by putting their hand on the small of their back.
  • Girls like a guy with a clean car.
  • Girls like guys who keep them safe (wait for ALL girls to get into their house or car when you drop them off).
  • Girls like guys who sincerely ask "how are you?"
  • Girls like guys who "think of them". . .with a flower, favorite song, etc.
  • Girls like guys who pay attention to the little things.
  • Girls like guys who treat their mom and sisters well.
  • Girls like guys who know when to pursue and when to let go.
  • Girls like guys!

To all my girlfriends out there. . .what do you like? Maybe I'll have a guest blog poster provide a guys list of their likes. That would only be fair, right? Let me know if any of you are willing to volunteer.


Anonymous said...

Guys mostly just like cookies and haircuts. Mostly snickerdoodles but also those gingersnaps that I ate in Boise too.

Anonymous said...

All I got to say is: don't let your cousin line you up with a blind date, double with the cousin and her boyfriend and all they do is neck in the FRONT SEAT. No siree? It just isn't fun to sit all night watching Sex and the City in the same car - in the front seat at a drive in. I gotta say that was my worst date, worst blind date and cousin (well, I kinda liked her). I figured by the end of the night - if you can't beat em - join em. JUST KIDDING - it didn't happen - the join em part!!!

Anonymous said...

Now about that list - pretty good. Now it is time for the guys to make a list. I like the other Veronica suggestions. I think guys just need to start asking girls out instead of hanging out.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Dating goooood. Hanging out. . . .not so goooood.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the other Veronica, boys like cookies ( I am glad you liked them). I also agree with the list. Most girls like to be treated nice.

Zen Wizard said...

Would taking you out for a heart-shaped pizza have "cut it"??

Veronica said...

Girls like guys who buy them stuff. Haha, just kidding.

(No I'm not.)

Anonymous said...

Here's a "Things to consider" for all you gals: If a guy asks you out and in the interim you might ask him where he lives and he says "in my truck" don't assume that he is just being witty or manly about his first love. He might literally mean that he lives in his truck, which could be parked in a parking lot next to your apartment,which could also be fully equipped with a camper shell,space heater, toaster, and curtains (aka-bed sheets. Also, if is name is Arnie and his nearly mute sidekick's name is Einar (pronounced A-Nar) you might also want to reconsider going out with him. Both things I learned from a rather unfortunate event when I was at USU.

Anonymous said...

..Oh, also girls like guys who don't blow their nose or urinate in the shower...

michelleyv said...

Lady Loveless, your wisdom amazes even me. I can't believe you know Arnie. I'm pretty sure CoCo made out with him once in the GV parking lot. . .he had his camper parked there for a few days. So help me, if she let him blow snot or pee in my shower, I'll be forced to restrict her banana consumption.

Anonymous said...

Mickey-his name wasn't Arnie. It was bootylicious!!! And he had a really nice Saturn. I know some people who can appreciate a good sturdy Saturn. Also he didn't live in it! He didn't pee in your shower either. Keep them bananas comin!!

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