Monday, February 20, 2006

Ryan's Birthday Wishes

It was Ryan's birthday on Saturday. . .the big 25. Yep, he's officially in his mid-20s. Won't be long until 30 is knocking on his door. I'll tell you what, the boy milked his "big day" for all it was worth. Birthday wish # 14. . .Michelle can't paint. Birthday wish #15. . .dad can't eat healthy. Birthday wish #16. . .dinner at Training Table. For crying out loud. The kid had a whole bucket of birthday wishes. Come to think of it, I think he was granted every single one of them. Wow. Now I really can't wait for my birthday! Love you lots little brother. Hope you get that colon in good repair soon. It definitely has the potential to make the next 25 years pretty rough (literally).


Anonymous said...

What a BABE!!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan is going to LOVE this! He loves when he has suprise postings of himself on the blog...He just loves having people see his weird and creepy ways. Example: Trent the trout. HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!

Anonymous said...

Bam!! Love you Ryan! Hope it was great. Say "hi" to Cortney for me.

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