Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just Beak It?

Yesterday afternoon I had to run (not literally. . .as you might expect) to the store to pick-up some groceries. . . Kimmy and I have been living off of Minute Rice and JELLO. It was a lovely Provo day. I had my sun roof open and was listening to some rockin' tunes . . .when out of the blue this herd of birds comes flying by. At first, I think "oh, what a perfect spring picture. The birds have come back from the 'south'. . .or wherever it is that they go." Well, the picture was perfect until one of those damned birds smacked into my driver's side window and scared the living daylights out of me. I didn't know what to do. Should I stop and see if it survived? I wasn't sure if I could give it mouth to beak (like the character on Failure to Launch). Maybe I could give it a proper burial or at least scoot it to the side of the road. Anyway, I tried to look back in my mirrors, but I couldn't see a caracus and there weren't any bird guts on my window. . .so I just kept driving. The incident haunted me all night and then I realized that I might have been instrumental in teaching that bird a lesson. Everyone need to learn that if you fly too low for too long, you're bound to hit a moving car. So, in reality, I did that bird a favor, right?


Anonymous said...

Damn birds!

Anonymous said...

I guess you are lucky that they didn't poop through the sunroof!

Veronica said...

That's what I thought was going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I did not say that first post. It must have been the wife because only her language is that horrendous. And I am sure that there is a bird god somewhere thanking you for intruding upon nature with your German-engineered automobile.

Anonymous said...

I just thought I would cover up my profanities by using an anonymous that so wrong??? Especially if it is Eric's name. We all know he's got so many problems that adding swearing on to the list won't be a "big deal." I am so angelic that cursing might shatter my pure image!

Anonymous said...

We always talk and joke about Kimmy hating squierrels, well I think that Mickey has a fear of her own. She's always hated the movie The Birds. You know that Alfred Hitchcock (sp?) movie. She just freaks out. You know when Elaine on Seinfeld has a bird fly into her head because her head is too big, well Michelle never wants to perm her hair for Mom because she fears that a bird will fly into that big permy head.

Anonymous said...


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