Wednesday, March 15, 2006

May The Best Girl WIN

To protect both the innocent and not-so-innocent, I'm changing the names of those involved in the following scenario. I will tell you that I am simply an observant third party. . .though I might have a definite bias toward one of those involved. Here goes. Marcie has been dating Vernon. Their relationship is budding. They really dig eachother and everything seems to be going along splendidly. . .that is until the not-so-innocent JENNY-dog party gets involved. J-dog is Vernon's old girlfriend. She suddenly has a rekindled interest in her once discarded boyfriend. J-dog is completely aware of Marcie and Vernon's relationship. In fact, she asks Vernon about Marcie (pretending to be concerned about her welfare. . .what a load of crap)! So, Miss Marcie is in a predicament. J-dog is doing Vernon's laundry while she is left high and dry wondering what in the hell is going on. My initial advice to Marcie is to donate J-dog's ghetto bootie to the hot-dog stand via UPS. P.S., I've spent a great deal of time the past week picking stuff up at the UPS place located deep in the Orem abyss. How do people ever get their packages? I'd have to quit my day job to ever catch the men in brown. Anyway, back to Marcie. After some time to let the information settle, I've decided that Marcie has to play things cool. She can't be the bitter, sulky, down in the dumps sluffed off has-been. She must maintain control of the situation with a smile and a keen sense of resolve. She has to tell Vernon that the situation makes her feel unsettled--then explain her feelings for him. His response will dictate what happens next. She will either feel compelled to stand by her man or dump his sorry butt. Either way, I feel confident Marcie wins! Good luck, lady. We shall prevail!


Anonymous said...

Hell yes.

Veronica said...

Okay that was me.

Anonymous said...

My head hurts after reading that.

Anonymous said...

Is this just a story about Kimmy trying to sneak hamburgers behind your back? Seriously, I for one am on to her. She is one of the few people I know, two to be exact, that stores fast food ketchup packets in the fridge. She says it is for those times when Carl's Jr. is too far away and she needs a little pick-me-up. The other 'fatherly' packet-storing person I know does it to save money on ketchup.

Veronica said...

At long last, the deed is done. Marcie prevails.

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