Monday, March 27, 2006

Ready for a Rut

I have the Sunday "can't sleeps." Sometimes I dose off in sunday school and pay for it at bedtime. So I've been thinking about something and I figured I might as well blog it since I have no intention of pulling out my journal and logging it that way. I'm titling this my Sunday drivel. Occassionally, I'll hear people use the phrase. . ."in a rut." Usually this has a negative connotation. Well, I've decided that those who are truly happy are "in a rut." They've found their niche of happiness. They are where and whom we all want to be. They are comfortable not only with who they are, but with those around them. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for improving, struggling, and unsettled growth, but I'm beginning to think that all of those things are still possible if you find your perfect rut. Tell you what--I think I'm ready to snuggle into a comfortable and perfectly lovely rut and find joy in every bit of it. Is that so bad?

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