Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Free Wheelin' 4 Wheelin'

It's official. . .dad is out of control. We took the new 4-wheeler out for it's first official ride over the weekend and it was a great time. Wally and the Cub Bears showed us their moves. You might have guessed that they are a bit more adventurous than the Virtues, but give us a few months and we'll be showing them a thing or two (like how to roll without breaking your neck). Men are funny. They don't think twice about loading up the 4-wheelers and spending a Saturday morning riding around with no particular destination in mind. In fact, there was a group of Idaho red-necks trying to get a truck out of the mud. I'm pretty sure they spent most of the day spinning their tires. Women have to plan such things. When I want to do something with girlfriends, we plan weeks in advance. Where will me meet? Who should we invite? Where will we dine? What will we wear? If I'm driving, I get a new air freshener and make sure to have an extra supply of gum in my purse. I research the restaurants and plan "with a purpose." Men just load up and head out. Their lives are so much simpler. Maybe I should simplify. I bet if I had a pink vespa that my life would be less complicated. Huh, I wonder if there was a deal at the Honda dealership. . . buy one pricey 4-wheeler. . . get a simple, yet tasteful, pink Vespa for free? Dad are you holding out on me?Like father, like son! No wonder Ryan doesn't want to move out. Things are just getting exciting at the Virtue household with these new toys. Maybe I'll move home.
Gosh, I'm a natural. Check out that form. I bet Brandon will want me as his back-up rider all the time. I'd probably pee my pants if I rode with him too often. He did mention that he was impressed with my bravery. He even said I had more courage than Laura.
Look at Kimmy strutting her stuff. Don't worry, the 4-wheeler wasn't even on.
Ryan and I went for one wicked awesome ride--he did scream like a girl the whole time, but I managed to hold things together enough for both of us. Love you, Ry Guy!

So this was the first of many 4 wheeling adventures. Can't wait for next time.


Anonymous said...

Not only does he have a new RED four wheeler, but he has a new (well not NEW, but new) red and white truck to carry his new RED Four Wheeler - CUTE!!!! He really has lost control. But you know I think he is going to like these new additions!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Michelle-Brandon did NOT say you were the more courageous...he said the exact opposite!!!! I'm VERY MAD!!!

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