Thursday, April 6, 2006

I'm Grateful for BAD Days

If I were a bird today, this is the bird I'd be. Here's the thing--my days are usually full of surprise and wonder. I'm always sad to see the typical day come to an end. OH, NOT TODAY. The minutes can't go by fast enough. In fact, if I didn't have a buttload (technical term) to do, I'd crawl into my soft bed right now and just look forward to trying again tomorrow. Ever have one of those days when you can't seem to do anything right? By about 1pm, I was afraid to answer the phone. . . and rightfully so. Here's the short of it--I had an employee that was sick this morning, someone didn't like a tulip vase (stupid lady); catering needed one more centerpiece; the Weatherford wedding froze their bridal bouquet (hello, it's cold outside); a weasley boy with no sense of design thought the greenery I used for his calla was "overpowering"--it wasn't; accounting called 8,000 times (I didn't answer); it snowed (that should be enough)--I'm still using my scraper; the advent calenders I ordered from BHG are not only out of stock, but they aren't EVER getting them in again; no lunch--unless you count the Velamint I had just before STAFF Mtg; etc. I won't bore you with the rest of my venting, but I realize that days like these come around on occassion so you will be grateful for the rest of your life. So, today I'm grateful that 4/6 is over. Wait--shouldn't today be some sort of inspirational day? Shouldn't today be full of spiritual significance? Shouldn't it be declared a BYU holiday? I'm going to write someone about this! You just wait--next year I'm spending this day in bed AND getting paid for it. Can't wait for tomorrow--maybe I'll be a dove? or a canary? or a vulture?


Anonymous said...

you handled everything very well. You are wonderful and I hope tomorrow is better. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

At least you still have a charming, endearing, and attractive brother-in-law. What a special guy.

Anonymous said...

My hell...what is that????? I hope you don't feel like that bird or else I'm going to run down to Provo and make sure you're okay!!!

Anonymous said...

life sucks when you are in a hurry - my story - the Lynda's flower van dies in the mortuary garage - with a million people starting to come to a funeral BUT the best thing that happened TROY at the funeral home helped me - what a guy. He was my hero on Monday. It doesn't sound like my day was trivia compared to yours. I hope today is better love you lots!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They should have cremated the sucker and let it rest in peace!!!

Veronica said...

"That doesn't look like the curly willow you used before..."

CAN IT, lady!

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