Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What the. . .?

Would anyone like to explain to me why the BYU vs. Utah game is on the Saturday after Thanksgiving? Is this some UTAH plot to destroy family holiday togetherness? Don't they understand that the Saturday after Thanksgiving is already a stressful day in the Virtue household? Heavens, that's the day we put up our Christmas tree. If you combine the stress of stringing the lights with a BYU/UTAH rivalry, there could be catastrophic results. This might be too much for my pending ulcer. Maybe they'll come to their senses and move the game. If not, there's a good chance we'll be spending Halloween night getting the old tree out of storage. Nothing wrong with getting a jump-start on the holidays, right? Why on earth am I worrying about this now? Oh, I've got to get out more.


Anonymous said...

Well Miss Mickey - you need to think of this. We now have a University of Utah person in our family - now what are we blue bloods going to do. Yes it will be Thanksgiving - will there be a war of the blue bloods and the red?Mr. Eric and his wife (well maybe not the wife), but Eric I'm supposing is going to go big red. There are really some things we need to think about here. Support our NEW RED BLOOD or stick with BIG BLUE? The question of the day.

michelleyv said...

I can scarely breathe! What in the world has gotten into you, Lula? I know E-dog is your new favorite person, but give me a break. YEARS of BYU blood in the family and you're willing to consider going to the other side on a whim. Get your priorities in order, lady!

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay - I am blue blood all the way - no ifs, ands or buts. I really didn't consider changing!!!!!! I just thought I might cause a ruckus!!!

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