Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yes, Suri!

Word on the street is that Tom and Katie have a new baby girl. Now, that's all good and fine, but did you know they named her Suri? What in the world? I don't care what that means in ANY language. It's weird. I guess Tom and Katie are a little on the weird side. . .so this chain of events shouldn't be a surprise. According to the recommendations of Scientology, the birth of little Suri was suppose to be completely silent and calm. I'm all for having religious convictions, but this seems a bit ridiculous. I'll tell you this--when I give birth, I'm screaming to my little heart's content. Anyone that carries a child for 9 months and commits to being its mother for forever deserves to do a little bit of screaming. In fact, I think it's better that the mother get some of her screaming out of the way early. That way, when little Suri wants her navel pierced or insists on dating an idiot, her mother might take a deep breath and bite her tongue. . .or scream some more. What I'm saying is that Suri better get used to the real world and the real world involves weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth.

Of particular irony is that Brooke Shields also gave birth yesterday just down the hall from the Cruise Clan. Considering the recent rift between Brooke and Tom over medicating for postpartum depression, this seems especially comical.

Well, I hope Suri is ready for a wild ride. Poor kid probably already has more clothes than me. At least my parents had the sense to give me a normal name.


Anonymous said...

I may or may not have been watching the internet everyday for this blessed occasion...okay that's quite sad, but I did. Suri isn't THAT bad-she could have been named COCO!!!

Anonymous said...

She didn't scream. She had an epidural.

Anonymous said...

Eric - you are a man of few words - you are exactly right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope she screamed even with the epidural, just to get to good old Tommy boy and his arrogant ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOH!!That is it!! I am really mad!! Co Co is mad at Laura!

Anonymous said...

CoCo Cruise - that's kinda catchy.

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