Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It Can Happen To YOU!

I think the fraud commercials showing on TV right now are pretty funny. You know the ones I'm talking about--where they show a woman in the beauty parlor speaking with a man's voice. After today, I'm not laughing. After today, I'm the victim of credit card fraud.

This morning while I was on the phone with a vendor, my office phone rang. The voicemail I retrieved shortly thereafter was from JP Morgan Chase--the company that handles all of our corporate purchasing and travel Visa cards. They just wanted to verify one of my transactions. I didn't really think anything about it. . .corporate card charges are closely monitored and I'm anal about keeping a tight watch on their use. I returned their call and asked how I could help them to clear up the matter. The woman on the line asked if I had made a purchase at a Barnes & Noble for over $300.00. I quickly answered that I hadn't and asked that she read me the transactions from the previous month. Their were two other suspicious charges to a women's clothing store for a combined total of nearly $1000.00. I sat absolutely dumbfounded. First of all, the card in question was my travel card. . . a card I use solely for airfares and hotel reservations. Secondly, the charges in question were made in Long Beach, CA. Trust me, if I had spent any time in Long Beach this month, you'd all know about it. Anyway, the sweet girl on the phone was very sympathetic and was quick to help me cancel the card and re-issue another. She informed me that I would need to feel out some paperwork and that an investigator would be contacting me soon to gather more information. An investigator, huh? Should I expect Magnum, Inspector Gadget, or perhaps this would be something Jack Bauer from CTU would handle? This woman IS terrorizing my life. . .and the scene of the crime is L.A. area. I'll let you know who shows up.

In the meantime, there's some woman in Long Beach living it up on my card number. She doesn't even have the actual card. . .she just has the number and expiration date. Who is letting her charge to my account? What crazy cashier is running through a number without the plastic? Why are people sneaky? Why do people steal? Don't they realize that the cause people like me to have ulcers?

Just a word of warning to the masses. . .be careful and watch your accounts closely. Most importantly, be on the lookout for a stylish woman reading a book, and claiming to be Michelle A. Virtue. I guess I can't blame her for wanting to be me. . .poor thing is probably just jealous.


Anonymous said...

Where there a lot of purchases at the Chaquita store and various fast food establishments? I'm just saying that we need a suspect list.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Long Beach is right next to Huntington Beach. And, yes, I do try to dress and read like you sometimes. And I may even pretend that I my name is Michelle. But I promise that it wasn't me who stole your credit card number!!! Let's talk soon.


Anonymous said...

Chaquita store? What are you getting at?

Mrs. James Quigley said...

Faggy- you live in Huntington Beach? Do you go to the singles ward out there? I have friends out there whom I visited in February.

michelleyv said...

Farrar and Faggy finally unite. Beautiful isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

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