Thursday, May 4, 2006

March of the Michelley

A friend just returned from Vietnam. Oh, the pictures are fabulous! It's almost enough to make a girl want to pay Asia a visit. . .gracing it with my brains and beauty. Maybe I should make a goal of visiting every continent before I die. Anyone heard of a great place to stay in Antarctica? I think I'll watch March of the Penguins before I make any decisions.


Anonymous said...

What are those bright pink things - with green - CUTE. I want one. It looks like kolorabi (sp). I've only seen whiteish green ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh something else - MARCH OF THE PENGUINS - great movie - remember. You haven't seen it yet?

jacob said...

The pink fruit is called Dragon Fruit - very common in all of SE Asia. I don't remember what the fruit tastes like - but it's white with tiny black seeds.

Anonymous said...

Pitahaya (dragon fruit) is a tropical jungle cactus, originated in Central America and has been cultivated in Vietnam for 100 years.

michelleyv said...

I had a disturbing call from an angry gentleman threatening to take legal action if I failed to give due credit to the photographer of this fabulous picture. So, all photo kudos should be directed toward Mr. Jacob M. Farrar. Fruit Photographer Extraordinare.

jacob said...

My montra - you got fruit, I got camera!

michelleyv said...

It's about time you replaced your camera. . .think of all the fruit you missed during your photography hiatus.

jacob said...

and even worse . . . not sharing those amazing fruit photos with the world.

I beg for forgiveness -

michelleyv said...

Forgiveness granted. . .better not let it happen again. Orange you glad the fruit gods are benevolent?

Anonymous said...

Dammit stop the fruit puns.

Anonymous said...

10 comments to this post!! I had to see what all the hubbub was about! Are there any bananas in Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

Hey - All I wanted to know was what those cute little pink things were. Great picture I might add.
Oh by the way - what is that light yellowish stuff? Maybe Viet Nam is on my TO GO places - the fruit looks divine. Thanks for the info about the cute little pink things - I will remember that!!!

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

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