Tuesday, May 2, 2006

My Own Made for TV Movie

I have often thought that I live several different lives. No, I'm not talking about split personalities, reincarnation, or those made for tv movies that show a person who has 2 families that inevitably find out about eachother. I'm talking about how I'm a different person at home than I am at work. I'm different with friends than I am family. I don't think it is because I'm being fake or insincere in any of these circumstances. I suspect that I just have different roles to play in each scenerio or relational unit. Remember when you were a kid and you saw your grade school teacher at the grocery store in jeans and you thought it was so weird that she actually had a family and ate? That's what I'm talking about. It's sometimes strange to see other people in different schemas than you're used to. When people from my ward stop into the store, it sometimes make me feel a little bit uncomfortable. It's really strange to see my employees in social situations. Sometimes I have similar feelings when my family visits our student ward. What really throws me off is when I see semi-goofy people I have very casual relationships with who actually have serious careers. Teachers, administrators, counselors, financial advisors, doctors, barbers, mayors, researchers, pharmacists, proctors--you know who you are? It's like something out of the Twilight Zone.


Anonymous said...

For the sake of me never having to awkwardly encounter the horse again can you please switch wards??? And I believe that is proctor not protor if you have a minute to change it. And perhaps there are people who have a lot of prestige in their title - mayors and future pharmacists, etc. - that they could use a little more respect on the homefront. Since they are always serving the public maybe they should be served at home.

Anonymous said...


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