Sunday, June 4, 2006


Remember how I think Andy Garcia is about the sexiest man on the planet? I happen to catch the end of Ocean's 11 on tv and was quickly reminded that I think he is absolute heaven. I can't quite put my finger on his appeal, but I think it's a combination of the dark hair, olive skin, and those amazing eyes that make me melt. I bet he smells amazing. I bet he loves to hold hands. I bet he uses a leave-in conditioner. I bet he always wears a scarf in the winter. I bet his car has leather seats. I bet he loves the Dodgers. I bet Andy goes after and gets anything/anyone he puts his mind to. Uh, huh. . .we'd get along splendidly.


Mrs. James Quigley said...

my dad saw him once at a bakery in LA...I also think he is handsome. He is like classic hollywood, yet a foreigner sometimes (I like those on/off accents).

Anonymous said...

Truth be told he smells like a mix of Old Spice, Aqua Velva, and curry. Also, the hair is not a leave-in conditioner but simply grease that accumulates from days of not washing your hair.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Eric! You ar so full of it!

Anonymous said...

...He doesn't wear deodorant...

Anonymous said...

What the hell?!

Anonymous said...

Alright anonymous, here it is...the Sure advertisements say "raise your hand if your sure"...ok, i'm quite certain you've seen those let's say that Andy's around a group of friends and one friend reminds the entire group of those same Sure ads...suddenly this same friend also states the line..."raise your hand if your sure"...everyone including Andy G. raises his hand then that same friend says, "hold on a minute Andy you may not be as sure about your body odor as you think...and thus the point...ANDY STINKS!!!

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