Friday, June 2, 2006


Hugs to Benny. . .even though he like to throw crab apples at his favorite Mickey. We have two huge crab apple trees in our back yard. They are beautiful in the spring. It's like having two lifesize pink clouds hovering above. Fabulous! It's too bad that those clouds rain crabby apples all season. Dont' get me wrong, they're great if you're having a crabapple fight or want to squish through the lawn in the fall, but overall, they're a real pain in the patootie! I guess every rose has its thorns, but not every pink cloud has a silver lining.


Anonymous said...

This picture just goes to show us what kind of worker Michelle is...Supervisor...

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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