Sunday, June 11, 2006


So I've had this crush on a guy in my ward for almost 2 years. I call it a crush because it cannot be described beyond that. . .as I've never even had a conversation with him. Part of my hesitation with getting to know Chip stems from the fact that I'm quite sure an interaction would end my crush immediately. I don't think he's my type. To look at Chip, you might wonder from whence (I like that word) my fascination sprung. First of all, his name is Chip. Isn't that a cartoon chipmunk associated with an equally small rodent named Dale? He's not really very tall--like that matters to me! He has curly blonde hair, which until a couple of weeks ago was rather long. . .about 2 degrees from mulletville. I'd like to run my fingers though it, but haven't really had occassion to--yet. I think Chip might even have a little bit of a lisp--I find it strangely attractive. Chip is a fabulous dresser. He always looks good. Dressy. . .good. Casual. . .good. Yep, he's good. Chip appears to have a delightful sense of humor and seems to be a little bit edgy. I like it, too.

The fact remains that I think I like Chip better from a distance. It's fun to have a church crush. It keeps me on my newly painted toes. I wonder if his friend Dale is available.


Cindy Bean said...

I have a crush on a guy like that that used to be in my ward, his name is Michael. Not as cool as Chip. He would never like me because he's ultra-Mormon, but I just can't help myself.

Veronica said...

Yeah, don't get to know him, it always ruins it.

Anonymous said...

Go to Ward Prayer!!!!

Eric said...

I met my wife by NOT going to ward prayer. Can you imagine who I would have ended up with had I gone?

michelleyv said...

Thanks for your support. Lula seems to think ward prayer is the answer to all of my singleness. I think it would certainly lead to disaster.

michelleyv said...

Lou--does your "I can't help myself" reference happen to be inspired by one of the the best movies on the planet. . .? I'm pretty sure Chip has could have "157 insights into my soul."

Anonymous said...

Ward prayer is so over-over-rated... of course lula might not value my single opinion on the matter. What do you need to go to ward prayer for you already know he's a good dresser in both formal and casualwear - you wouldn't talk to him there, only the overly zealous strike up conversation after the amen with people they don't already know. Plus by the time ward prayer rolls around the hour to be social has passed and even if you did get the chance to breath a few inspiring words his way - you would come across as anything but friendly and available. Plus Chip is a great name for a crush but I'm not sure if it would look great on a wedding invitation - plus Chip and Michelle just doesn't roll of the tongue like one might hope.

Anonymous said...

Ward prayer is the answer to nothing...other than eternal salvation. It's just plain tacky to hit on someone at ward prayer. Go to the bars!!!

Anonymous said...

I am the first to admit that I attend ward prayer. That is not to say that I enjoy it. It is true what MM says. I go mostly to take care of business though, and also to catch a glimpse of my crush. And for those of you who are wondering if his name is Dale, forget about it! Chip and Dale are chipmunks, rodents,if you will, who are too closely related to the squirrel. And I will not, no, cannot have it! I just wish that my crush would crush on me! He is more of a monkey, not a chipmunk. He likes bananas too...I hope.

Cindy Bean said...

That movie is so engrained into my being that I just quote it naturally without even realizing it. Sadly I think my crush could maybe only have 1 or 2 insights into my soul.

Co Co, what's wrong with squirrels?

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