Thursday, June 1, 2006

Little Person, BIG DREAMS

I've been doing some observing and I think the stature of a person is often in direct correlation to the rest of their life. For example--some of you know Bobbi the realtor. She is a fabulous lady. . .a tall lady. The car she drives is in direct proportion to her height and her personality. When I sit in her Dodge Charger Hemi-suped up mobile, I feel like I'm 6 years old. If I didn't have so many shoes, I'm pretty sure I could live quite comfortably in her car. My mind wanders and I wonder if the rest of her life is super-sized. What about her husband? I bet he's no PeeWee Herman. What about her house? I think she has dogs. . .how big do you think they are?

Sometimes I feel like I'm living my life in proportion to my size. My condo is small, my store is small, my furniture is small (not uncomfortable. . .just small). Is my character small? Do I only see things from a small perspective? Do I fail to live my life as fully and completely as I have potential?

Anyone ever seen Little People, Big World? It's a reality TV show about a family of little people who live their lives in a big way. Laura knows what I'm talking about--though she might not readily admit it. Anyway, it's a new favorite of mine. . .Kimmy makes fun of me when I watch it, but it's a show about people I can relate to. . . .

Let's face it, I want to be big. I want to be someone who leaves a big impression. I want to be someone who lives life in a big way. . .with no regrets. I want to have big dreams. I want to live my big dreams.


Anonymous said...

I know a lot of people that would be excited with some big, comfortable furniture instead of those "not uncomfortable" pieces.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have watched the "Little People" show. Is that so wrong? It was even enjoyable! Michelle is the season over for it, I should have tivoed it.

p.s. Anyone know of a place to live in Salt Lake or surrounding area???

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Ryan and I are big fans of the little people show! I believe we cought the season finale when they remodeled their home and we especially liked the episode where the dwarf son finally got his driver's license and then wrecked the mom's van. Or how about the prom episode or the one where the dad and the little sone go to the little people's convention...Ryan really likes the mom's take-no-crap style of parenting and how she sticks it to her husband who has big dreams and little pun intended! Can't wait for next season!

Anonymous said...

Bobbi does drive a very big car, and I am willing to bet the dogs are not little.

Anonymous said...

The show is great. I've missed a couple of episodes this season... I'm glad to know the son finally passed his driver's test.
The small furniture is cute michelley but not really all the comfortable... although the doctor's bench is great for working on your balance.
Uncomfortable or not... I'd like to take a sit in them soon.
Your bed's not small...

Anonymous said...

Not uncomfortable? Ha ha! That's almost as funny as you thinking you're the favorite cousin....ha ha!

Anonymous said...

You know, I did enjoy watching the show despite what you are telling everyone. I can appreciate a little people show just as good as the next guy. I'm not that much taller than you anyway. Do you think that they could make a reality tv show about monkeys or redheads or barbers, or maybe even squirrels (wait I would have nighmares...never mind).

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think "My Three Redheads and Michelle" would be a cool show...and I believe you spell nighmares with a T (thus - nightmares) you pink squirrel loving freak! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for correcting my spelling! I did win 2nd place in the 4th grade Spelling Bee. It's a little embarrassing for me when I mispell a word. I'm not as good of a typer as I am a speller.

Anonymous said...

It's ok CoCo...I miss some words sometimes too...;) I have some great news for you by the way...I hit a squirrel with my car today...and no it wasn't pink...

Anonymous said...

One down, five million to go. Thanks for sacrificing for the good of humanity! You are an angel!!

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