Saturday, June 24, 2006

Running with Angels

So Alicia and I ran the Running with Angels 5K this morning. Our route took us through the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. Everything was so pretty. At one point I could smell the lavender and thought I might be in heaven. Despite the race's late start--it was a fabulous event for a wonderful cause. I felt great and finished in 33:45. . .a really good time for me. If you haven't read Pam Hansen's book--Running With Angels--you need to do it. A special thanks to Heidi for the recommendation. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Alicia is a great 5k partner. Check out that stretching form.
Hmmm. . .I'm not looking too shabby myself--other than that goofy look on my face.
It was just like running with angels. . .
Everyone plan on running this race with me next year!


Mrs. James Quigley said...

you are the amazing one!Good job on finishing the inspire me!

Anonymous said...

You girls are simply amazing! And so cute! Love you!

Anonymous said...

nice shirts! I read the book too - in fact my darling daughter Veronica got me an autographed copy for Mother's Day last year. Congrats on your 5K time, 11 minute miles are my specialty!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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