Saturday, June 17, 2006

Summer '06 at the Scera

Yep--another Summer Saturday spent at the Scera. Oh, life is good. Nothing better than seeing a bunch of Provo/Oremites in swimwear. It certainly does a body image good. Kimmy & VPark and discussing the finer points of water slide etiquette. I, on the other hand am trying to contact someone willing to toss a Fresca over the fence. Man, I'm hot. . .I mean, it's hot out.
Check out those wicked awesome sunglasses. Eric and Laura were down for a day of belated birthday celebration.
Can't wait for the next perfect Saturday of relaxation. . .hope it isn't too far away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at the Babes!!! and Eric! Cute Suit Michelle1

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