Monday, July 31, 2006

The Banana Republic Shirt Dress

Last month when we were in Seattle I tried on and fell in love with a little shirt dress they had at the Banana Republic. You know the feeling. The dress makes you look amazing. In fact, with a few accessories and a fun pair of shoes, I might surpass Kimmy in the SJP contest. Well, I debated about the purchase the entire time we were there, but just couldn't justify the price. I've regretted it ever since. In fact, every time I look in my closet, I sink into the depths of despair because that the little gem isn't hanging in my closet. I even considered calling one of my Seattle connections and asking them to hunt down the pricey piece of apparel and send it my direction.

I know you've all done this--don't try to hide it. You find something you love and decide to leave it. . .only to regret the decision later. Well, I couldn't give up my BR shirt dress and finally, after a great deal of searching, I found the exact dress on e-bay and bid on it last week. There were days of intense bidding, stops at random internet connections, and even text bidding. I am happy to report that all of my prayers, tenacity, and hard work have finally paid off. I am the new owner of a perfectly darling navy shirt dress. It's like a clothing trophy.

Life lesson: if you really love something. . .GO AFTER IT. No regrets!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that Life Lesson. I have been trying to teach that to Wally my whole married life. ( He totally understands the lesson if it is a 4-wheeler or motorcycle but that is as far as his understanding reaches)

michelleyv said...

Let's face it--men just don't GET IT. You keep workin' on him, Cub Momma. He'll come to his senses.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking a big belt, white or red, striped or polka-dot, would accessorize this outfit perfectly. Find some great hoop earrings and a pair of keyhole pumps and you will have the perfect outfit. I have a little red and white cherry bag that would really compliment this dress! Way to go!

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