Sunday, July 9, 2006


I was talking to someone today about things we do that (almost) nobody knows about. . .here are a few of mine. I figure it's time to get things out in the open. No secrets on this blog.

-Sometimes I like to watch A Baby Story on TLC.
-I'm attracted to older men.
-I think I could be a hard core coffee drinker. I'm not, but I could be.
-When I dry my hair in the morning, I like to blow the air on my face and pretend to be a super-model.
-I love Kenny Rogers' Lady.
-I screen my calls.
-Someday I'm going to sit on MT and hope he can't breathe.
-I once backed into a car and drove off. Remember that Laura? It was a piece of junk truck and I couldn't even tell if I left a dent.
-I have a wart on my right foot. One of my summer goals is to exterminate the little devil.
-I try to avoid my home teachers.
-At extended family functions, we've been known to play boob tag.
-I have a dish fettish (okay, this might not be such a secret).
-Sometimes I tweeze my eyebrows in the morning on my way to work. This might explain some of my eyebrow mishaps.
-I'm conscious of my fiber intake. Benny, we need to talk about getting you on a roughage schedule. That IBS is a bad news bear.
-I like to conduct music. . .it really bugs CoCo.
-Speaking of CoCo--I can get her to scream if I lick her.
-I once stalked S. Young on the elevator in the Tanner Bldg.
-I hit a house with the work van.
-The only thing I crochet is lingerie. It doesn't take much time or yarn. Those little sets make the perfect and personal shower gift.
-I love Sixlets.
-Every once in a while I need to read a cheesy church romance novel.
-If someone in church tells me to open my scriptures. . .I blatantly refuse. I don't like to be told what to do.
-I have a crush on Ridge from The Bold & the Beautiful.

Don't worry--I still have a few surprises up my sleeve. A girl can't give up all of her secrets. It might take away from my mysterious persona.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

In response:

I HATE "A Baby Story" and I hid from my home teacher just yesterday (he's weird).

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